In a sense this does away with not only the previous generation of blood magic, but also awakened blood magic, blood rifts and the already shelved dreadknight lore.
Neither of these versions side by side seemed conducive to roleplay that could be enjoyed or witnessed by the wider server - being far too combat centric on one end and at the other, hidden away and inconsequential to the non-awakened blood mage playerbase - which we mean to rectify with the rewrite. The latter, with no inhand abilities and a swathe of rituals - often in their own right problematic overpowered and very much so behind closed doors - also suffered from inactivity and an overreliance on a playerbase it couldn’t muster atop staff interaction for large scale feats. It came to encourage a mentality of ‘being powerful’ with no real drawbacks. The former, with limitless power form augmentations and blood bending coupled with a plethora of often hoarded, poorly roleplayed and powergamed runes were problematic. Blood magic and its more recent awakened blood magic counterpart have a problematic history.